Current Research Areas
Ecophysoplogical effects from fungal\tree relationships in the wood and foliage of conifers. Research questions we are currently investigating include:
Changes in fungal endophyte communities related to environmental variables in needles and bole wood
The role of seed source in fungal endophyte communities
Quantum energy dynamics in fungal endophyte ecology
Molecular genomic techniques for endophyte isolation
Environmental effects of tree damage
Interactions of endophytes in production of antimicrobials used to produce natural pharmaceuticals
Forest Biometrics
Evaluation of drone-based LiDAR for forest inventory
Quantification of stream temperature and sediment loading from drone-based LiDAR and multi spectral imaging
Evaluation of non-timber values vs market condition value
Graduate Student Profiles
Hazel Daniels - PhD Student Fall 2017
Successful M.S. thesis defense 19 September 2017
M.S. Thesis
Phylogenetic identification of pathogenic and endophytic fungal populations in West Coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) foliage.
Daniels, Dixie A. et al. 2017. Thousand cankers disease complex: A forest health
issue that threatens Juglans species across the U.S. Forests 2016, 7, 260;
Kiser, J., Daniels, Dixie A., and Temesgen, H. 2017. Growth response of coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirbel] Franco) in western Oregon following mechanical commercial thinning damage. Mathematical and Computational Forestry & Natural-Resource Sciences (MCFNS). 9(1). 22-2.
Daniels, H., Cappellazi, J., Kiser, J. D. 2019. Microbiome diversity of endophytic fungi across latitudinal gradients in West Coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) foliage.Journal of Biodiversity Management and Forestry. 7 (3).
Kiser, J, Daniels H, Scrivani J (2019) Isolation of Endophytic Fungi from Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Foliage with Bioprospecting Potential for Natural Pharmaceuticals. Curr Trends Forest Res 3: 1035. DOI: 10.29011/ 2638-0013.101035
Poster Presentation: 3rd Annual Oregon State University Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing Spring Conference, April 2016, Corvallis, OR.
Poster Presentation: 4th Annual Oregon State University College of Forestry Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium, April 2016, Corvallis, OR.
Invited Speaker: 64th Annual Western International Forest Disease Work Conference (WIFDWC), May 2016, Sitka, AK.
Poster Presentation: 64th Annual WIFDWC, May 2016, Sitka, AK.
Poster Presentation: American Phytopathological Society annual meeting, August 2016, Tampa, Florida
Oral presentation: Swiss Needle Cast Cooperative 2016 Annual Meeting, November 2016, Corvallis, OR. Phylogenetic identification of pathogenic and endophytic fungal populations in West Coast Douglas-fir foliage identified as Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii-infected
Invited Speaker: WIFDWC, September 2015, Newport, OR. “To the vector go the spoils: identifying fungi associated with walnut twig beetle, a vector of Thousand Cankers Disease complex.”
Invited Speaker: WIFDWC, September 2015, Newport, OR.
Richard Gabriel - M.S. Student
Successful M.S. thesis defense 06 December 2017
The Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Computer Vision in Tree Level Modeling
Audrey Maclennan - M.S. Student (2019)
Successful M.S. thesis defense June 2019
M.S. Thesis
Relationship of Soil Type and Burn Severity to Post-Fire Vegetation Response from the B & B Cascades fire
Maclennan, A. Author & Presenter*, Kiser, J. Author, Dunn, C. Author, Hatten, J. Author, Future Forestry Leaders Symposium, "Relationship of Soil Type and Burn Severity to Post-Fire Vegetation Response," Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. International, Invited. (November 7, 2018).
Maclennan, A. Author & Presenter*, Kiser, J. Author, Dunn, C. Author, Hatten, J. Author, Society of American Foresters 2018 National Convention, "Relationship of Soil Type and Burn Severity to Post-Fire Vegetation Response," Portland, Oregon. National, Invited. (October 4, 2018). First Place Poster Presentation
Maclennan, A. Author & Presenter*, Kiser, J. Author, Dunn, C. Author, Association for Fire Ecology and the International Association of Wildland Fire, Fire Continuum Conference, "Relationship of Soil Type and Burn Severity to Post-Fire Vegetation Response," Missoula, Montana. International, Invited. (May 22, 2018).
Maclennan, A. Author & Presenter*, Kiser, J. Author, 6th Annual Oregon State University College of Forestry Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium, "Relationship of Soil Type and Burn Severity to Post-Fire Vegetation Response," Corvallis, Oregon. Local, Accepted. (April 13, 2018).
James Scrivani - M.S. Student (2019)
Successful M.S. thesis defense June 2019
M.S. Thesis
Phylogenetic identification of pathogenic and endophytic fungal populations in fire-damaged Cascade Ponderosa and lodgepole pine foliage.
Michael B. Harvey, James Scrivani, Kyle Shaney, Amir Hamidy, Nia Kurniawan, and Eric N. Smith. 2018. Sumatra's Endemic Crested Dragons (Agamidae: Lophocalotes): A New Species from the Bukit Barisan Range, Comments on Lophocalotes ludekingi, and Ecology. Herpetologica: March 2018, Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 73-88.
Kiser, J, Daniels H, Scrivani J (2019) Isolation of Endophytic Fungi from Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Foliage with Bioprospecting Potential for Natural Pharmaceuticals. Curr Trends Forest Res 3: 1035. DOI: 10.29011/ 2638-0013.101035
Scrivani, J. Author & Presenter*, Kiser, J. Author, 6th Annual Oregon State University College of Forestry Western Forestry Graduate Research Symposium, "What lies beneath: A molecular survey of the fungal endophytes of lodgepole and ponderosa pine needles," Corvallis, Oregon. Local, Accepted. (April 13, 2018).
Amanda Klee - M.S. Student
Successful M.S. thesis defense May 2019
Determinants of willingness to pay for forest recreation based on payment type using contingent valuation: A practical application for forest managers
Klee, A. Author & Presenter*, Kiser, J. Author, Cushing, T. Author, Fitzgerald, S. Author, Future Forestry Leaders Symposium, "Willingness to Pay for Forest Recreation: Practical Applications for Forest Management," Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. International, Invited. (November 7, 2018).
Thea Lemberger - M.S. Student, Environmental Sciences
Successful M.S. thesis defense December 2020
Early growth and performance of selected disease resistant Koa families from the Waianae mountain ecoregion in the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii
Early growth and performance of selected disease resistant Koa families from the Waianae mountain ecoregion in the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii
Guen Patty - M.S. Student
Successful M.S. thesis defense December 2021
Carbon Sequestration Potential After Riparian Restoration—A Baseline Study of Carbon Stocks and Mycorrhizal Communities
Carbon Sequestration Potential After Riparian Restoration—A Baseline Study of Carbon Stocks and Mycorrhizal Communities - presented to the Sponser, Clean Water Services
Guen successfully secured grant funding from Clean Water Services, Hillsboro for project funding. Nice job Guen!
Skylar Roach - M.S. Student
Completion Date - June 2023
Skylar comes to my program from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst with a strong background in Forestry and Natural Resources and was very active in SAF. Her area of interest will focus on the genomics of mycorrhizal forest communities.